DiSC Training / DiSC Training Australia / DiSC-OURSE


The S Style relates to the i Style in that they both sit on the more accepting and warm dimension of the DiSC continuum, however they tend to be a bit calmer, slower-paced and emphasise empathy and sincerity in their interactions.

Often acting as the peacemakers, they have a need for acceptance in both their environment and relationships with others, and as such, their greatest fear is disappointing others. Because of this they enjoy a predictable environment and sense of harmony, hence their need to often act as the mediators in tense situations or go to great lengths to try to maintain this balance.

This willingness to please others can come across to some styles (particularly C’s and D’s) as overly accommodating or even a bit of a push over, when really, they just possess high levels of empathy and a desire to create a welcoming environment for everyone.

How to work effectively with them:

  1. Be personable and conscious of their feelings. Because the S Style values inclusion and acceptance, they will feel more comfortable and open in a setting where they feel free to express themselves, and where they can offer support to others. This will make them feel heard and accepted, even though it may be harder to accept for those with D Styles & C Styles.
  2. Give them the time to process information and listen to their concerns. It can also help to identify how ideas and tasks contribute to the team and big picture so that they feel a sense of inclusion, and don’t withdraw when they feel they cant express themselves.
  3. Because they struggle to say no to things, ensure you are consciously listening to their words and body language, and questioning further if you think they may just be taking on a task just to avoid disappointing you. They will appreciate you looking out for them.

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