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Now the first thing you need to know about a C Style person is that they value accuracy. They tend to move at a considered pace and dislike being rushed or pressured into anything without having the opportunity to gather all the facts first and make sure they understand the situation.

The C Style tends to be energised by opportunities to learn or demonstrate expertise and possesses strong attention to detail, which makes them the perfect colleague to ask to proofread your work on a big project. They enjoy challenging assumptions and proving their competency however, they can be very critical of both themselves and others, which sometimes comes across as detached or overly logical. This is largely due to their need to be correct and a fear of criticism of what they do. Because of this they present as reserved and may hesitate to speak out if they are unsure of something, preferring to weigh all the facts first and make sure they get it right the first time around.

How to work effectively with them:

  1. Be logical in your approach, especially if you are trying to present a new idea or convince them of something, they will respond best to facts and logic presented in a precise manner.
  2. Ensure you provide clear guidelines and timelines for your expectations as their need for accuracy and slower pace may sometimes hold projects back, especially in comparison to the naturally faster pace of D Style & i Style colleagues. They will also appreciate having a clear timeline to work with as this will help them to feel prepared.
  3. Don’t be offended if they seem blunt or impersonal. This is merely because C Styles are more sceptical than most, and they value the logic of facts and objectivity over acceptance and emotion.

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