No one knows your brand better than anyone else but yourself. But if you can’t ‘sell’ yourself or ‘sell’ your ‘brand’ in any situation, then who can?
Regardless of your role, anyone can benefit from these 4 reasons you need to know your brand so you can confidently be a professional member of the business world.
When any marketer wants to ‘sell a brand’ they need to know what the brand stands for and what values the brand has. Now, here is a great exercise for you to do for yourself.
Do you have words or phrases that you live by? “I’m a Why person!” or “Detail Orientated.” When you associate these words with your own personal brand, you need to ensure you do everything you can to encompass them. For example, if you’re ‘Detail Oriented’ you would need to ensure that everything you do and say is meticulous, your dress, your hair, your curriculum vitae, your overall brand screams scrupulous.
To help you with identifying your personal brand, you are no different to a company who is creating brand identity. This article is really useful for a company, but you can adapt it to yourself.
When you identify what your brand is, you can start to see the benefits of how it will create a clear vision of who you are and what it is that you want for yourself and your career. If it helps you, sketch out what your brand looks like, on you, using this outline of a person. Take your emotional self out of the equation, and start visualising what your brand looks like. This will give you the clear vision of who you are and who you want to be.
Once you’ve identified your personal brand, you can then start searching for companies or roles that you want to be a good fit with, this might mean that you look for a company or role that has the same values, which mean that you now are encompassing your holistic personal brand. If, however, you find that the company that you work for does not match your brand and beliefs, this is still ok providing you don’t have much external customer interaction, as they will be seeing you as a representative of the company’s’ brand. If you don’t have much interaction with customers then it’s ok that your personal and company brands don’t match, if you’re in a role that you hold is a good match to you.
When you’re looking for a new job or a new career, this is a fabulous time for you to identify what the right job is that matches your brand. We’ve worked with customers in the past that have taken a long time to find the right job that matched their beliefs. We would always support someone in taking the time to find the right role in the right company, because this equates to utter success. When you know what happiness is, you’ll know what success looks like. This is an easy way to set a career goal for yourself. We are goal orientated beings, having validation of our own ability in achievements. Previous research has examined goal orientation as a motivation variable useful for recruitment, climate and culture, performance appraisal, and selection. Measuring your goals is a key way to keep your motivation throughout your days, week, months.
If you’re having difficulty understanding if you have a personal brand or how to get a personal brand, have a look at your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts). Look at what others would see about you. Do they all have commonalities across the accounts? If so, are those common themes part of what you want your personal brand to be? If they’re not consistent with each other, then you’re publically confusing your personal brand. Imagine how difficult it is for someone to know if you’re the right person for the job or to do business with. At a minimum, your resume and LinkedIn profile must be in sync.
The team at The Training Establishment specialise in helping you realise your own personal brand and maximise it for your career and business. Learn more about our personalised executive development sessions, EstablishingYOU.