Business Acumen / Motivation / Selling Skills


I often find myself coming across a great quote that you’d like to post out on Social Media or write in a training program, my new eBook, or other areas that I might find it useful. I’m not always in an ideal situation to remember them, write them down or want to screenshot them. So what do I do?

I’ve discovered Quotebook. It’s the app for collecting quotes, and it will help me to curate, organise, and share the quotes right from in the app, which is designed for readability.

It’s simple to use, and I love how it adds important context and personality to quotes.

The interface of the app is user-friendly and it only takes a quick copy-paste and tap here and there and viola! You get a library of all the quotes that matter to you.

To give you a preview of how it works, we’ve taken a few screenshots from the press kit they have:

Quotebook App

As you can see in the right pane of the app, you will find the “quote builder.” This is where you can paste the quote you discovered, enter the author and source or you can simply opt for “Unsource” if you haven’t found out about it yet. Isn’t that as easy as 1-2=3?!

Now, I’m all about sharing great things when I find them, so please find it for yourself, or why not share a great find: http://quotebookapp.com.