Enthusiastic, excitable, fast paced and people focused, the i Style person is the outgoing bubbly person, always first to say ‘hi’, to speak up and always willing to jump on a project and try something new, even if they don’t …
The S Style relates to the i Style in that they both sit on the more accepting and warm dimension of the DiSC continuum, however they tend to be a bit calmer, slower-paced and emphasise empathy and sincerity in their …
Now the first thing you need to know about a C Style person is that they value accuracy. They tend to move at a considered pace and dislike being rushed or pressured into anything without having the opportunity to gather …
For the past months, we’ve been analysing Wiley survey data from almost 5,000 working professionals to discuss the impact of The Great Resignation, a movement that’s impacted almost every organisation across the globe. But in our final instalment of this …